
Audrey Veillette

Director: Daniel Fortier

Primary Address:
Département de Géographie
Strathcona building, local 404
Université de Montréal
520 chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal, Qc, H2V 2B8
Local 404

Email: [email protected]

Project Title

Cryostratigraphy of thermo-erosion gullies, Bylot Island (Nunavut)

Description of the project research

Thermo-erosional gullies are periglacial landform resulting from the rapid permafrost degradation processes. Retreat rates of such gullies can be as rapid as several hundred meters per year as observed by Fortier et al. (2007). In Bylot Island (Nunavut), thermo-erosional gullies vary in size from few meters in length to well-developed kilometer long network. However, the presence of relict gullies on the valley floor indicates the existence of stabilization mechanisms that locally reduce erosion, leading to permafrost re-aggradation. In this context, the research will focus on evaluating the impact of gully stabilization on permafrost morphology and cryostratigraphy, through a periglacial landscape evolution perspective. Preliminary results show that relict gullies are characterized by the formation of aggradational ice in the upper part of permafrost, associated with the rising of permafrost table.

Thermo erosion, gullying, permafrost, stabilization

Conference posters:

Veillette, A., Fortier, D., Godin, E., Coulombe, S., Létourneau, G. (2014) Dégradation rapide du pergélisol par thermo-érosion et ravinement : Implications pour le géosystème périglaciaire. Colloque annuel du Centre d’études nordiques, 12-13 février, Centre Eau Terre Environnement de l’INRS, Québec, QC, Canada, Résumé p. 23.

De Grandpré, I., Fortier, D. (et les membres du Geocyolab dont (Audrey Veillette)) (2014) Recherche fondamentale et appliquée sur les géosystèmes nordiques au Geocryolab : Synergie et collaboration. Colloque annuel du Centre d’études nordiques, 12-13 février, Centre Eau Terre Environnement de l’INRS, Québec, QC, Canada, Résumé p. 10.

Scientific reports:

Veillette, A., 2014, Dégradation rapide du pergélisol par thermo-érosion et ravinement : implication pour le géosystème périglaciaire, Rapport de recherche au cheminement honor, University of Montreal, 37p.

Scholarships and other awards

2014 : NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS M)
2014 : FQRNT Masters research scholarship
2014 : Canadian Association of Geographers – Undegraduate Award
2014 : NSERC Undergraduate student reaserch award (USRA)
2014 : Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP)
2013 : NSERC Undergraduate student reaserch award (USRA)
2013 : Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP)
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 : Dean’s Merit List, University of Montreal


Center for Northern Studies (CEN)

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Audrey Veillette by Geocryolab is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License .